Raining Roses


(This may be the most confusing poem I have written in my life 0.o. I still don’t know what it’s about!)


Tumbling from heaven
Appears that the sky is bleeding...
Roses are falling, both flowers and petals

Buds and thorns rain down
Landing on our heads
On our shoulders
Around our feet

I see you, frozen and confused
You see me filled with wonder
I am a child swimming in questions
Like why the roses keep on falling down
Drowning in their sickeningly sweet fragrance
I keep my eyes locked on you

Padlocked and dead on

You’ll blink
Or you remain silent and lost
While I’ll think of me, myself, I
As the petals pour, so do memories
Who was I?

What could I have been?
I look up at a crimson sky,

Wondering why
You look up as well
And suddenly I know why

Why, why, why

Why we’re here

I am ashamed of who I am
I’m afraid of all I fear I will be
But I’m not ashamed to tell you the truth
And I’m not afraid to love anymore

So I reach out. You grasp my hand
 I smile for we’ve connected
We are one...
spoken to each others hearts
Blood red sky, the heaven is still pouring
Knowing I’ve found what I was missing

The roses keep falling down
Keep falling down


* * *


Copyright 2003: CT

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Email me: sweetandsourcyanide@excite.com