Under the Mistletoe


Disclaimer: Digimon is property of Toei. The song belongs to BB Mak and it’s called “The Ghost of You and Me”


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On the day he found Kari Kamiya's Christmas present, Davis Motomiya vowed that he'd surely get her to kiss him. Perhaps admit how he felt and not act like an idiot. He had shuddered one too many times at some of his stupidest antics. It was probably because he was jealous of TK Takaishi, Kari’s friend. TK was also Davis’ friend but there were times the guy could get on his nerves. It seemed that TK always came out spotless while Davis left lying in the mud. But now he wouldn't fail. It was Christmas. Everyone loved everyone on Christmas, right? Surely, Kari would be nice to him. Maybe she'd turn away from TK long enough to give him a kiss. That would make Davis’ life a hundred times better.


"Davis, hurry up!" His sister Jun whined, breaking his thoughts and reminding him what he was doing. The two of them were in the mall doing some last minute shopping. The crowds were unbelievably large and almost everything that Davis wanted was gone.


"In a minute! Kari needs the perfect present!" He hissed.


"So does Matt!" She shot back. Then she got that lovesick look on her face again. "He's so cute and sweet and he'll be heartbroken if he doesn't get a present from me!"


"I don't think he'd care." Davis muttered. And he knew it was true. Jun could forget Matt’s birthday and he probably wouldn’t mind.


"What did you say?" Jun looked at him quizzically. Davis realized he must have said it out loud and shook his head.


"Nothing! Go on, Jun! Go look for Matt's present! I'll be down here."


"Well...okay." Jun shrugged and went upstairs.


The soft Christmas music in the mall began to play and Davis started humming to it. Then he frowned. What would Kari like? He wanted the gift to be something special. More importantly, he wanted it to be something TK wouldn’t buy. But he was stumped. Buying for girls was hard!


"Hey, Davis!" A voice perked up from behind.


"Huh? Oh!" He turned to find Yolei Inoue and Cody Hida also shopping. "What are you guys doing here?"


"Shopping like you. What are you doing in the jewelry section of this store, Davis?" Cody asked.


"Uh...I happen to like jewelry very much!" Davis turned red.


"That's a first. Yesterday you said you wouldn't be caught dead in diamonds and pearls." Yolei giggled. Cody joined her while Davis turned a darker shade of red. Why did they have to do this to him?


"Admit it, Davis. You're looking for Kari's present." Cody pointed out.


"Uh..." Davis didn’t want to admit it. He wanted them to know that he had other things than Kari on his mind (of course, he wasn’t sure what those other things were).


"It's okay. I'm still looking for TK's present." Yolei said. "Well, good luck! I'll see you at the Christmas party tonight!"


"Christmas party?"


"You forgot, didn't you?" Cody sighed. "There's a party at Kari's place...remember?


"Oh...yeah. I remembered. I just forgot!" Davis laughed. He felt a like a complete idiot now.


Yolei smiled. "See you later."


"Yeah, bye!" Cody waved as he turned around.


"Bye." Davis waved back, still embarrassed about the whole incident. Jun came bouncing by with ten boxes in her hands.


"What do you think, Davis?" She asked.


"You're giving all that to Matt?!" He exclaimed.


"No, I'm giving them to you. Of course they're for Matt! Only that blond, blue-eyed Earth angel deserves to have all the presents in the world", Jun said dreamily. “Oh, he’s bound to fall for me then!”


Davis looked at them. "Cheese...sausages...crackers...oh, I get it!"


"Get what?"


"You're trying to make him fat and ugly like you! That way you'll have no differences!"


Jun smacked him upside the head. Davis winced. His sister wasn’t that strong but she knew how to hit someone.


"Ouch! Go buy more presents for Matt! I'm still busy."


"You're the fat, ugly one." Jun muttered as she left.


Davis wandered around the jewelry section for a few more minutes until his eye finally caught the perfect present. It was a bracelet with pink and blue gems that came with a pair of matching earrings. He picked it up and smiled.


"Yeah! I got the best present for Kari! And I can afford it! Oh man! She's going to love this!"


Happily, Davis walked up to the register to pay for the gift. Right behind, Jun stood holding about twenty boxes. All of them were presents for Matt.


                                                *        *        *


"Hey Davis!" Was how the night began for him. Everyone was there, old and new Digidestined as well as kids who weren't DD. Their Digimon...well, they were making themselves comfortable by the buffet table. Davis clutched the small box wrapped in purple paper with the name "Kari" scribbled on it. Jun started handing poor Matt present after present. Davis doubted that he'd opened all of them.


"Hi, Davis!" a new voice perked up. He saw TK and Kari walking together. His heart sank. That couldn't happen. He wasn't supposed to have Kari!


"Hey, TJ." he muttered. He didn't say a word to Kari.


"Davis?" Kari looked at him questioningly.


"Oh, hi Kari." He muttered. “Glad to see you here.”


Kari looked at TK and then left. Seeing Davis' expression, TK walked over to him. He knew something was bothering his friend and was bound to get to the bottom of it.


"Look Davis, are you upset cause Kari's with me?" he asked.


"No duh, TR! Kari's supposed to be mine!" Davis snapped.


"We can't make her choose who she wants, Davis." TK sighed, talking a sip from the cup he was holding.


"Oh yes, I can! I bet you ten bucks that if I stand under the mistletoe the whole night, Kari will kiss me!" Davis felt himself swelling with pride. He had come up with a brilliant idea in only a few minutes!


TK thought it was a stupid idea though. "I don't think that's..."


"What, are you afraid you'll lose the bet?" Davis asked slyly.


"No, it's just that I think it's foolish. Why would you want to stand under the mistletoe all night long? Besides, Kari may decide not to kiss you."


"That's what you're saying, TP! I'll stand under that mistletoe starting...now!" With those words, Davis stood under the mistletoe with a confident grin on his face.


 "You're gonna feel dumb, Davis. When it's all over, you'll feel dumb." TK warned.


"Whatever, TF!"


The night went by as Davis clutched the present, still standing under the mistletoe. No one dared to come near it. Jun looked at him strangely but then ignored him. A few people began whispering but no one approached him. Davis' gaze was on Kari who was talking with everyone. She occasionally glanced at his direction but then her gaze averted back to her friends. He watched as Kari danced with TK several times. Then she danced with the other Digidestined boys, including Matt (much to Jun's dismay) Of course, she didn't have a thing for them. They were just dancing, right? They had to!


Time began to pass. Davis watched as people danced even more. Kari wasn't coming near the mistletoe. Was she trying to avoid him? As Davis tried to pay attention to Kari, Jun dragged Matt to the dance floor and nearly killed him with her dancing 'ability'. Typical.


"Hey, Davis, give it up!" TK said. "You're missing all the fun!"


"Come on, Davis! Dance with me!" Demiveemon said.


"No! I'm waiting for Kari!" Davis pouted.




"Play with the others. Kari still needs to kiss me." He said. Rejected, Demiveemon went back to the others.


But time went faster and it was almost midnight. Davis started to lose hope. Kari and TK were on the dance floor more than anything. Still gripping her present, Davis sank to the ground and tried to go back to the first time he saw Kari. Soon a song came on and the lyrics rang in his ears.



What am I suppose to do with all these blues

Haunting me everywhere no matter what I do

Watching the candle flicker out in the evening glow

I can't let go

When will this night be over?


I didn't mean to fall in love with you

And baby there's a name for what you put me through

It isn't love.  It's robbery.

I'm sleeping with the ghost of you and me


Seen a lot of broken hearts go sailing by

Phantom ships lost at sea and one of them is mine

Raising my glass, I sing a toast to the midnight sky

I wonder why the stars don't seem to guide me


I didn't mean to fall in love with you

And baby there's a name for what you put me through

It isn't love.  It's robbery.

I'm sleeping with the ghost of you and me


The ghost of you and me

 When will it set me free?

I hear the voices call, following footsteps down the hall

Trying to say what's left of my heart and soul...


Watching the candle flicker out in the evening glow

I can't let go

When will this night be over?


I didn't mean to fall in love with you

And baby there's a name for what you put me through

It isn't love.  It's robbery.

I'm sleeping with the ghost of you and me


I didn't mean to fall in love with you

And baby there's a name for what you put me through

It isn't love.  It's robbery.

I'm sleeping with the ghost of you and me


"Kari…" Davis whispered. "I'm waiting here. You're the reason I'm not having any fun at this party. Kiss me and let me go already!"


"Davis, are you talking to yourself?" Demiveemon asked, coming back to his partner.


"It's obvious that I am! Go play with the others, Demiveemon!"


Demiveemon decided to be more relentless this time. "Davis, you're not happy! Why?"


"Kari hasn't kissed me yet. She needs to kiss me so I can have fun but until then, I'm stuck under the mistletoe!" Davis moaned.


"Why don't you just leave? Did someone superglue you under the mistletoe?"


"No. If I leave...I lose my bet. And I'll lose my chance of getting Kari to kiss me." He sighed. Stupid TK. Why were they having this bet in the first place? Davis didn’t care about money. He just wanted Kari to like him, even if it was for a few minutes.


"Davis, don't lose heart. She'll come around." His digimon assured him.


"I hope so."


"Now let's eat!" With that, Demiveemon hopped back to the buffet table. Davis felt blue inside again. Kari was out there in the middle of the dance floor, laughing and having fun. He was here by himself waiting. The night was coming to a close and people were starting to go home.


"Oh Davis!" Jun sang out walking over to him.


"What?! Don’t tell me you’re going to kiss me!"


“Ick, no!” Jun made a face. "My friends and I are leaving for home."


Davis knew what she was really saying. "You're gonna stalk Matt, aren't you?"


Jun cocked her head to one side. "You could say that! Well, bye!"


"Bye." And Jun left the party with her friends.


He looked at the time on the clock. The minute hand slowly edged over, making it officially midnight and the end of the party.


Kari still hadn't kissed him under the mistletoe.


                                                *        *        *


Half an hour later, Kari came back upstairs. It had been a long night and the party had gone well. Unfortunately, the house was still a wreck. It was her mistake to invite three different sports teams who would eat everything. Luckily, her brother and Gatomon were helping with the clean up.


But one thing bothered her: Davis. He hadn’t talked to her during the entire party. In fact, she didn’t see him move around much. She just said hi to him and that was it. TK told her that Davis was waiting under a mistletoe for a kiss and assured her that he’d come upstairs once he got tired of waiting. But he didn’t. She hoped she didn’t hurt his feelings or anything.


"Tai, what was Davis doing under the mistletoe?" She asked.


"Evidently waiting for someone to kiss him." Tai said dumping a paper plate into the trash. “Man, this party was a mess! I’m glad Mom and Dad aren’t here to complain.”


"Hey, did he ever leave?" Gatomon asked. “I don’t remember Davis walking out the door.”


"Um...I don't remember either." Kari said as she got out the broom and dustpan. "Tai, did you see Davis leave?"


"No. I saw Jun leave and assumed Davis went with her."


"Davis stalking Matt with his sister? I don't think so." Kari shook her head. "I'll go to the other room and clean it up."


She regretted not being able to talk to Davis the whole night. The guy could be as stubborn as her brother sometimes. Still she felt for him. He was probably waiting for someone to give him a kiss and no one did. He must have been ripped to shreds afterwards. Kari went inside the room…and saw Davis asleep under the mistletoe. She gasped at the sight and then began to breathe again.


"Oh Davis!" she sighed. "You didn't leave? Your parents are probably worried!"


Walking over, she saw a small package wrapped in purple paper with her name on it. There was also a tiny note scribbled on a napkin.


Dear Kari,


          Merry Christmas! I bought this at the last minute. If you don't like it, you can return it. I always wanted to tell you this. I do love you. I'm not a shy person but...I couldn't tell you that. I understand that you and TJ are really good friends. Heck, we all are! I want you to know that I do care and I'll always be there for you whether it's Christmas time or Independence Day. I'll be there whenever you need me. Well, that's really all I wanted to say. I love you and thanks for inviting me.



                                                                             Davis Motomiya


"I must have been the girl you were waiting for." Kari realized, tears of joy welling up in her eyes. It made sense why he didn’t leave. She heard the phone ringing, then someone pick it up. "Oh Davis, I'm sorry! I never knew."


"Kari, it's Jun! She says Davis didn't come home and the family's worried!" Tai yelled down to her.


"He's here! Tell them he's all right!"




Kari opened up the present. She picked up the bracelet and earrings.


"I can't return this." She said, slipping the bracelet on. The gems sparkled pink and blue thanks to the light of the moon. "It's beautiful."


Kari placed the ten bucks that TK had given her in the Davis’ hand and started to head upstairs but then remembered something. She leaned over Davis' sleeping body.


"I love you too." She whispered. “Merry Christmas, Davis.”


And with that, she kissed him under the mistletoe.




Note: The party was not the same one as in “A Very Digi Christmas”. This is a totally different party.


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