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Updates 9/21/05: No, really, it's an update! There's a new story for you all to ogle as well as new poetry and songs. Enjoy!

Remember the rating system.

G-Traffic Ticket
PG- Forgery
PG13- Petty Theft
R- Grand High Larceny
NC-17- First Degree Murder

Epics/Novellas/One-shot Stories

Figments of Imagination

A young aspiring author accidentally releases an ancient poet from his mental prison and ends up putting herself and those around her in danger. *rated Petty Theft with some parts First Degree Murder*

Prologue 1 2 3 4 5

Flamingo Popsicles

Lionel is hungry and not just for anything...he wants flamingo popsicles!Written for flash fiction contest. Won second place in flash fiction contest. Carter is thrilled beyond explanation.

Jaws of Love

When a string of sudden cannibalism and death starts popping, a group of eight wily adults find themselves caught in the middle. And they soon find that they can't trust anyone. Especially not each other. *rated Petty Theft, may bounce to First Degree Murder at times*

Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6

Attempted Escape

A 300 word story, flash fiction, with the prompt being a fantasy with a twist. Check it out! Rated Traffic Ticket, might be considered Forgery.

Keys of Virtue

A long novel, which has a science fiction/fantasy feel to it. A story about war, friendships, romance, and pretty much learning how to survive.



Poor Attempts

A poem I wrote about my dad. Borrowed lyrics from "Leader of the Band" by Dan Folgelburg. *Rated Traffic Ticket*

Found Again

Through all this time, I was locked and hidden. You've dug me and I'm found again. *rated Traffic Ticket/Forgery since it is romantic*

She Caught Him

He couldn't run anymore so he fell in her arms and she caught him. *rated Forgery*

All Fades to Black

A 9/11 poem. Don't forget, anyone. And be courteous. Please. *rated Forgery*

Crimson, Crimson Everywhere

It's crimson, crimson everywhere and she doesn't mind at all. *rated Grand High Larceny for 'f' word.*

Raining Roses

The most confusing poem I think I ever wrote. Can someone give a good idea what it's about? *rated Traffic Ticket*

Perfect Skin

She's so beautiful and slender, shining because of her perfect skin. *rated Petty Theft*

Beautiful Mess

Just another rhyming love poem. *Forgery* Winner of TPS Rhyme Time Challenge, September '04. Yet another reason to be at a loss for words

Lost Inside

For the sake of space, I'm linking this page to another author's page where it's labeled in order. Here are ll the haiku, senryu, tanka, and cinquains I ever wrote.

Dimpled Widow

Another collection of short poems, this time of rictameters, clerihews, and retracs (which my own poetry form).


I have two third place winning poems in this collection, "Razor Into Skin" and "Winter Snow". These are the Trois-par-Huit, Villanelles, and Sedokas.

Silver Lips

All tyburns, tetractys, and triolets. The reason I have all these collections linked to somewhere else is because they are short and I don't want to make seperate pages for really short poems. A gold winner is in this one.

Hearts of Icing

The acrostics, free verse, and pyramid clarity poems all in one collection. Got a bronze winner in here.

Oceans Aflame

Collected ottava rima, sonnets, sestinas, and rondelets. All of these are probably rated forgery.

Sweet Embraces

Yeah, you guessed it. More collected poetry except these are terza rimas, nonets, and kyrielles. *rated Forgery*

Shea Butter

A collection of difficult poetry forms: pathya vat, than bauk, and englyn penfyr

Five Poems from SK

For San, my 2000th visitor. She wanted five poems from my book so here they are! Rated *Petty Theft* for the language.

Apple Picking

The poems that all won third place in contests.


The poems that all won second place in contests.

Me Against the Universe

The poems that all won first place in contests. *some of them may be high rated, read at own risk*


Can't Let Go (Change)

A story about being unable to change. *rated Forgery*


A love song. What it means to be lucky. *rated Traffic Ticket*

Without You

Yet another love song. *rated Traffic Ticket*

Run Away With Me

A song about escape. No duh. *rated Forgery*


Collection of songs, not a lot though. *Rated Forgery and one is Robbery*. A gold winner is in here. So is the TPS spotlight poem.

Out of Sight

New song! Yes, I know, it's amazing. Good old angsty ballad! *Rated Traffic Ticket*.

Ashes Can't Talk Back

More new music. Sad stuff again. *Rated Traffic Ticket*

I'm Sorry

Half angry, half sad, all suffering. Try to guess what it's about. *Rated Forgery*

How Could You

Wow, I'm on a roll with sad songs, aren't I? *rated Traffic Ticket*

Don't Take Away My Heart

Country music? Is it possible? Yes. Yes, it is. *rated Traffic Ticket*

Still Be There
More music! Like there couldn't be enough from me. *rated Traffic Ticket*

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